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The Buffalo Creativity Campus

After a tour of the buillding, in the Summer of 2002, SolutionsPartnering.Org opened a dialogue, and began gathering information for a cost analysis, to determine if a "Creativity Campus" in a portion of the building which formerly housed the Buffalo Psychiatric Center, on Elmwood Avenue was economically feasible. 

The structure was built by noted architect H.H. Richardson and the site plan was developed by the world famous parks designer Frederick Law Olmsted. The Building and its surroundings are historically significant.

The building is owned by a New York State Authority and has been vacant, and greatly neglected, for a significant number of years.

Fortunately, in October 2002, Governor Pataki committed monies, to not only secure and preserve the building, but he also indicated that he favored additional New York State funding for building rehabilitation and renovation. He commented that an educational use would best serve the building and the area.

The Creativity Campus Initiative would be an educational and economic asset to the entire Buffalo/Niagara Region and go a long way to fulfill the Branding of Buffalo as "The Cradle and Mecca for Creative Studies" as Proclaimed in the Buffalo Common Council Resolution, approved October 30th, 2001.

The Creativity Campus would provide facilities for the Buffalo State College, International Center for Creative Studies, The Creative Education Foundation, The Creative Problem Solving Institute, The Solutions Partnering.Org and the Buffalo Creativity and Civic Solutions Commission.

Buffalo would indeed be the place to come, if you were a student, consultant, teacher, governmental entity, or business person, in search of information about the tools and techniques for Creative Problem Solving (CPS) and Solutions Partnering Creativity (SPC).

The Creativity Campus would provide a facility which would also be an economic engine and a resource to assist our Business Community to expand and become more profitable, by utilizing our varied specialty services.

For more info, contact Norman Bakos at nbakos@SolutionsPartnering.Org or Phone/fax 716 892-1629.   


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